Transmute your trauma into triumph
and journey to your truest self.

Let's Do This

The Light & Loving path to who you were meant to BE!

You don’t have to do this work alone.

Sometimes, life feels heavy. Trauma. Mistakes. Missed opportunities. Broken trust. Shame. Pain. Guilt. They all add up and eventually bear down on your Human Soul as you do your best to wade your way through this world without letting it all catch up to you. 


You Don’t Have To relive your pain, To HEAL From It

The beautiful and often misunderstood, fact about healing is that you don’t need to constantly relive your deepest pain to heal from it. Revisiting those suffocating emotions and making space for repeated discomfort, aren’t the only paths forward. And often, they don’t work at all. 


Close your self-help books, shut off the YouTube tutorials, and “unfollow” your online trauma groups. 

It’s time we went within and activated truth, bliss, and clarity while creating a space for a new sacred reality—all while journeying back to the brave, bold woman you so deeply deserve to be.   

Introducing RIA™️:

Accept, love, and shed your past and awaken exactly who you were meant to be.

I’m Ready For RIA™️

*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for the program, Sharice  Tareva, Rebirthinitiator™️  will reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.

This Journey Is Yours: An Invitation For Liberation


No matter who you are or where you’ve been, you’re granted access to the sacred tools and teachings that bring about transformations like...

Liberation from your trauma, anxiety, and self-sabotaging inner dialog in exchange for inner peace, self-love, and safety.

LIBERATION - View and understand stress in a new way that allows you to move peacefully from worried and overwhelmed to present and safe.

SELF LOVE - Learn to self-soothe whenever the world’s weight feels too heavy to carry.

NOURISHMENT -  Understand what nourishment your body and mind needs to heal and grow.

BOUNDARIES - Set and keep boundaries around your energy without feeling guilt or shame


These are just some of the transformations you’ll work through on this journey

But you won’t walk this journey alone. Sharice  Tareva, Rebirthinitiator™️ and your other SiStars, will be beside you from broken to bliss and beyond.

Let's walk this path together

I'm Ready For The Journey

Rebirthinitiator™️, Emotional Doula, Trauma Mama

Welcome SiStars — I’m Sharice Tareva

And what I’m about to teach You in RIA™️ is exactly what brought me out of the depths of hell. Not to be dramatic *smudges room* but I’ve lived through some pretty dark times and held a lot of trauma within me. But a few years ago I realized holding space for this trauma wasn’t what I was put on this Earth to do. 

My experiences, My pain, My knowledge—were all part of a larger purpose. I know, without a single sprinkle of doubt, that I’m here to free other women from their sh*t. To hold your hand and guide you as you journey back to your truest self. 

I’ll always be real with you: This journey, this rebirthing process, won’t be a seamless walk through the park. You might get uncomfortable trying new healing methods or frustrated along the way—but NOTHING is more uncomfortable than living a life untrue to you. 

This is your opportunity to give yourself the gift of authenticity, of freedom, bliss, and wholeness. Together, we’ll walk through 7 proven phases, a multitude of modalities and techniques, and 13 weeks of life-changing, elevated truth. I’m so glad you’re here. 

With Light & Love,

— Sharice Tareva, Rebirthinitiator™️ 


Sacred Truths

  • Your trauma and pain doesn’t have to be as dark and deep as the woman’s next to you to be valid and worthy of healing from—pain is not a competition, and you’re welcome here

  • I don’t hold the answers, I just have the map—everything you need is within and I’m simply here to guide you 

  • Though the healing process may be uncomfortable at times, what lies on the other side is pure f’n joy—joy like you’ve yet to experience but wholly deserve
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The 7-Phase Rebirth Method

Your Divine Curriculum 

During this 13-week process, we’ll walk together through seven sacred phases of the rebirthing process. You’ll experience and utilize many different modalities and walk away with self-soothing and self-healing tools to use as you continue your journey.

Phase One: Rooted & Grounded

Prepare to ground yourself in Mama Earth—building a foundation for truth and bliss. As you go within, you’re planting yourself in her soil; encapsulated in her love. You’ll shed what no longer serves you and give it back to Mama Earth. Surrounded in a safe and loving container,  prepare to be fully centered and ready to embark on this journey with presence.

Phase Two: Sacred Healing

It’s time to uncover the trauma that may be stuck in your sacred womb space—seeing it, accepting it, and releasing it. You’ll experience both Sensual and Sexual healing in a safe container, relieving the mind, body, spirit, and soul of any guilt, blocks, or shame. When you align with your sacred sacral energy, you experience true creative flow and can properly feel and express your emotions while honoring your sensitivities. 

Phase Three: Solar Bliss

Now’s the chance to identify and name your Ego. Setting healthy boundaries and surrendering into Your unique path. You’ll do this by diving into the Soul and all its unconscious layers—digesting and fully integrating what you’ve been learning and implementing for the last four weeks. Here is where you'll ignite your fire and engage your personal power to begin expressing yourself courageously; fully embodying a sense of Self.

Phase Four: Heart Activation 

To fall in love with love of Self, is to show the world how to properly love. It’s time to face your shadows head-on—healing them, holding them, and integrating them into your utmost wholeness. You’ll learn how to forgive first yourself and then others, reclaiming a balance you only experienced in your purest, most innocent form. Prepare to break Your heart completely open and experience total heart activation.

Phase Five: Authentic Truth

This phase is all about INNERstanding and how important it is to be in your fullest expression of Self. You’ll practice actively listening to your most authentic Self so you'll can loudly, and lovingly speak your truth. Your connection and communication with your higher self will be strengthened and made more clear. Here, you are heard, seen, and able to touch the hearts of others—AFTER touching Your own.

Phase Six: Intuitive Clarity

It’s time for deep Self reflection. This is where the Light shines in and fills all those places you thought were once broken; Divine Wisdom you’ll carry with you for the rest of your life. You’ll use energy, focus and bond in your subconscious work so you can see yourself through your third eye point. All worry and anxiety ends here. Your vision for your future and your present is clear. 

Phase Seven: Crowned & Elevated

You’ve made it! And it’s time to bring it all full circle SiStar. You’ll bring the knowledge you’ve acquired over the last 10 weeks into absolute unity. Spirit has rebirthed you back to your truest self. From this seat of the Soul you'll br able to see the bigger picture of your life and how you’ve always been connected to and supported by everything in the Universe. It’s a full embodiment of Oneness. I’m so damn proud of you.

Princess Crystal

The confidence and self love I am now learning to accept and appreciate within… 

I owe much of this to Sharice Tareva and The Rebirth Initiation Academy®️!

Ingrid Rosenburg

I was struggling with self confidence and authenticity. I was feeling lost, muted, and blended with the environment I was living in…thank you for your medicine.

I will never get tired of saying this, but you helped me in the moment that I needed the most.

Callie Ann McCrea 

Sharice Tareva has played an imperative role in my empowerment journey! 

Unlike other counselors or therapists I have seen in the past, Sharice helped me shift out of the victim identity, and helped me unveil my confident, bad-bitch energy!

Included in RIA™️:

Rebirth Method

My seven-phase method will empower you to become who you were meant to be. The process will propel you from the valleys of Shame, Guilt, & Self-Worthlessness to the Pinnacles of Self Love & Self Esteem.

Intimate Support

You will have weekly coaching calls with me, your Rebirthinitiator™️ Sharice Tareva, plus access to me 5 days a week for all your emotional support and guidance. 

Online Learning Portal

You will access the seven phase curriculum through the online learning portal.  Each week new content will be dripped out to you for you to absorb, anchor in fully and integrate into your daily life.

Are You Ready to Journey to who you were meant to BE?

Apply Now

*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for the program, Sharice  Tareva, Rebirthinitiator™️ will reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.